Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Favourite Chair

This is my chair. My favourite chair.

It was given to me about 12 years ago by friends as a part of a 3 piece club lounge. I think it dates from around the 1930's or 40's.

As you can see, it's very worn and torn and in need of som
e tender loving care (ie re-upholstering!), but it's mine and I love it. The springs are still okay, thank goodness, so it's really comfy. I can rest a cup of tea or glass of wine on the wooden arm rests and snuggle up and read the paper, a book or watch the telly.
My favourite time of the day is after the dinner has been cooked, the washing up done, all stuff for the next day has been sorted out and done, and then I can sit down, relax and escape into a book or watch the telly or balance the laptop on its wide, accomodating arms.
It's a perfect winter chair. You can wrap yourself in a blanket, turn the heater on and forget all your worries and cares.

Infact it was soooo cold the other night (4 or 5 degrees, but that's freezing for the North Coast!) I had two pairs of socks on, I was wrapped in a blanket and as you can see, just about sitting on top of the heater. But I was warm. Snug in my chair.

In the coming weeks I'll be visiting friends, family and interesting folk I come across, to chat to them about themselves and their chairs and how they ended up together.

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